Homemade Fondant


2 tablespoon gelatin 

2-3 Ibs powdered sugar 

5 tablespoon glycerin 

2 tablespoon flavouring 

1/4 cup of water

2 tablespoon lemon juice 

1/2 cup glucose 


Add gelatin to the water and mix well

Mix properly 

Add lemon juice and mix for 5min

Heat glucose for 30seconds, add the flavour and glycerin then mix well

The gelatin should look like this after 5min

Microwave gelatin for 15sec

Mix both liquid ingredients together 

Create a hole in the sugar and add the liquid ingredients 

Use the sugar to cover the liquid with wooden spoon and then, 

Knead to form dough, elastic, smooth and soft, if sticky add softening e.g oil to make it smooth 

You can rap it with clean nylon and it's ready

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